When the check engine light appears on your dash, lots of anxiety can build as you wonder “what is happening with my car?” The prospect of an arduous trip to the dealership, or a visit to the local parts store for check engine light service will only add to your frustration. Mattei’s Garage can handle these issues for you. Additionally, we will make it seamless so you will understand what, if any problems you might face. Most problems that illuminate the check engine light could be minor. The following link provides some detailed information about what could be wrong with the car: Check Engine Light Causes.
When you visit us for check engine light service, we will answer several questions that others may not, and, the check engine service is always performed at no charge. Once we retreive the codes from your car’s computer, we can provide some insight as to what, if anything may be wrong with your vehicle. If necessary, we will be happy to diagnose your problem, and provide any necessary repair your vehicle might require. Parts retailers cannot do that. Don’t forget that they sell parts, we provide services to repair your car.
So, the next time you notice our check engine light come on, just call or drop by for our check engine light service and we will be happy to help you. In addition to this service, we provide all type of basic automotive repair in Memphis, and we have been doing so since 1972.